Q: What’s the movie about?
A: This is another documentary about how corporations are controlling the government by paying for politicians' campaigns, so they can get away with polluting our air and water, and killing people. This time, it's the coal companies.
Q: Who’s in the movie?
A: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and a bunch of Appalachians who have all their teeth.
Q: Is this movie worth the price of admission?
Q: Will this movie make me laugh?
A: Some of the grammar used by the Appalachians is funny. But you feel so bad for them, you can hardly muster up the strength to laugh at them.
Q: Will this movie make me cry?
A: Only if you care about the fact that the U.S. Government is completely corrupt. There, I said it. Sorry, but I'm not happy about it either.
Q: Will this movie be up for any awards?
A: One of the Appalachian activists ends up winning a Peace Prize for her efforts to save Coal Mountain and shut down Massey Coal. She speaks English like someone who couldn't pass a high school proficiency test if her life depended on it. All I'm saying is, if this woman can win an award nobody else has an excuse for not trying.
Q: How is the Acting?
A: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. truly cares about the animals and the environment, and he's actually putting his trust-fund-earned-free-time where his mouth is.
Q: How is the Directing?
A: The opening shot says it all. It's a sweeping beautiful landscape of trees on mountains, as seen from the point of view of a soaring eagle. Suddenly, we see puffy white clouds rolling in, like a flash storm is on the horizon. Pull back to find it's not clouds, but smoke stacks, coming from the burning coal, ruining the scenery on its way to ruining the air and water that we all rely on for life.
Q: How is the story/script?
A: At only an hour and a half, it actually feels longer. Maybe the human brain can only handle so much frustration and helpless feelings at one time.
Q: Is there anything else worth mentioning about the movie?
A: We all rely heavily on the electricity coal produces, so they do offer an alternative. Once again, we're being sold on the value, economy, and ecology of wind farming. But the oil and coal industries are spending all they can to stop green energy from moving forward. Maybe they don't realize that when we all die from their negligence, their money won't be worth the paper it's printed on... then again, paper might be worth a lot at that point, since they've cut down all the trees to dig up coal.
Q: Where can I see the trailer?
A: The Last Mountain Trailer
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"But the oil and coal industries are spending all they can to stop green energy from moving forward."
No they're not. They're energy companies. They don't care WHERE the energy comes from, they only care about making a profit (like all companies... it's called, you know, capitalism).
If Chevron could make more money from wind power than they could from oil, you seriously think they wouldn't? That's delusional.
The profit motive is the greatest economic "trick" ever invented (thank you, capitalism!), because it's produced the greatest amount of wealth for the broadest swathe of people in human history. Knockin' it makes you look kind of naive and unintelligent.
But your movie reviews are good.
Companies that believe the economy might go in a different direction than the one creating their vast profits, will often spend money on preventing new developments because they don't control the profits for those new forms of energy, which makes the new forms competitors.
Different "Energy companies"-- as you say-- control different forms of energy. It depends on what their product is. New companies are sprouting up and claiming wind and solar power, to make their own millions.
Chevron doesn't control wind, they control oil, so it is clearly in their interest to prevent wind from becoming too profitable, because people may stop using oil. So yes, they do care-- based on exactly the reasons you stated. Because of the profit motive.
Also, I'm confused as to why you think that a "broad swathe" of people are getting wealth from oil and coal, when it's not that many people. It's only a very elite few. Less than 1% of the population.
Thanks for the compliment on the reviews, though.
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